Articulate your value and transform fans into raving customers.

Nurturing Newsletter

Build trust with your audience for $1197 per month

Continue sending your weekly newsletter without the hassle of writing from scratch every week or batching every month.

Need more consistent emails for the month? Please don’t hesitate to ask.

Launch Copy Roadmap Consultation

Cross every “t” and dot every “i” for $1497

Have your entire launch strategy and sales funnel completely mapped out before writing one word of copy. From start to finish we will discuss everything necessary for you to have a profitable and fun launch. Stop worrying and start strategizing.

Full Service Launch Copy

Done-for-you custom launch strategy and deliverables starting at $3k

From start to finish have your entire launch completely mapped out AND have all parts of your launch written and ready for publishing. Have your sales pages, email funnel, opt-In page, thank you page, tripwire funnel and more.