It all started with a dream…

But this dream was unlike most. This wasn’t a dream about building an amazing and fulfilling career while providing for my family and living abroad (though that is indeed where I am today).

This was a prophetic dream that changed the trajectory of my professional career.

To make a long story short, back in 2017 in my dream I saw myself writing a very personal article about my struggles to start a family and my most recent miscarriages. As I was writing this article in my dream I see that it gets published on a relatively popular Christian website.

I woke up confused and unsure what to make of the dream. But it felt too real not to take some kind of action, so I started writing. After a couple of hours I told a mentor of mine that I have an article that I may or may not want share and get published. I send her the article, she sends it to her connections, and six months later I have my first publication.

This moment was so profound because up until this point in life, I had this narrative in my mind that I’m no good at writing.

Living in a bilingual house at a young age with my parents divorcing before I started school meant I would take English classes until I was around 8 years old.

Language arts was my worse subject in school.

And my most embarrassing moment came when I took a reading comprehension test at the end of 8th grade only to find out I was entering high school at a 4th grade reading level.

I had no idea I had a gift for writing until God showed me.

And that’s when everything changed

Once I had my first publication under my belt, I wrote a few more pieces for smaller Christian websites all while working full time as an RN and doing college ministry on the side with my husband.

After having our second child I decided to stay home full-time. As you can see in the picture above it didn’t take long (literally 4 months later!) before I was pregnant with our third. As much as I wanted to start writing I just couldn’t seem to find the time nor the means to make it worthwhile.

After having our third child God made it clear He was calling us overseas.

In late summer of 2023, my husband, our three children, my in-laws and I boarded a plane and started new lives abroad. And for the first time in a long time, I suddenly had time.

Through divine circumstances I would make friends with another American expat family who’s wife just so happens to be a copywriter. Through our friendship I would learn the world of copywriting and all of a sudden it clicked.

This is how I make a living doing something I love and change the world!

As a nurse I loved utilizing my critical thinking to help create and implement the best medical path for patients in my care.

After working long 12 hour shifts at the hospital I would go to college campus building relationships with young women to better understand their barriers to faith and explain the Gospel in ways relevant to each persons’ needs.

I love my work and realized these same strategies I used in ministry and nursing transfer to my writing career.

After spending 8+ years in ministry and 6+ years in nursing, I’ve spent developed and implemented strategies and communication on various topics and platforms to better bridge the gap between where a person is and where a person needs to be in their respective journeys.

As mentioned before I’m a published author, trained copywriter through Sara Anna Powers Clickworthy Copywriting Quickstart Program, entrepreneur (we have a family chicken farming and airbnb business) and stay at home mom of three beautiful world changers.

I love helping people become the best versions of themselves (and thereby ready and able to impact the world) by partnering with like-minded coaches, course creators, and consultants I get to share in the impact you bring. Can’t wait to change the world one person at a time with you!